I found a small firm in Belgium with a laser etching machine: they normally make badges and stuff, but I got in contact with a guy that could make me some custom engraved plexi plates. I needed the little HYPERCUBE plates that I wanted to add to the DVD drive bracket. I also designed a mousepad to match the case theme.
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I was impressed when I first unpacked these nameplates, but I was overwhelmed with the results of my mousepad design - the detail is just astonishing. Little did I know that an optical mouse won\'t work on glass or clear plexi :( I tried everything: putting different colours underneath, even a mirror, but nothing works. To bad - it would have been cool. I guess I\'m gonna use it as a baseplate to put the Cube on, that way its still a part of the whole system - it\'s to beautiful to not use it for something.
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